Tag Archive for: Zoltán Lantos

Kdaj: nedelja, 20. 9. 2015 ob 18.00

Kje: Prulček bar, Prijateljeva ulica 2, Ljubljana



Zaključni koncert udeležencev 1. delavnic Špecialnega Godalkanja (Special Courses) v sezoni 2015/16 z mentorjem Zoltánom Lantosem. Z enournim koncertom smo predstavili program, ki smo se ga naučili na intenzivni vikend delavnici; klasične indijske kompozicije, Zoltánove avtorske skladbe in skladbe skladateljev, ki navdih črpajo v indijski glasbi.

When: 18–20 September 2015

Where: Rimska cesta 2b, Ljubljana


Slovenska verzija



Zoltán Lantos appeared on the European jazz scene while studying at the Music Academy in his hometown, Budapest. Drawn to experimental and Eastern music, he traveled to India in 1985 to study Indian classical music.

In 1994, after 9 years of studying, traveling, teaching, and performing in India, Lantos returned to Europe. Through violin improvisation and composing, he began rediscovering his musical roots. He found his musical language by blending Hungarian and classical traditions with Eastern music and contemporary European jazz. Over the years, Lantos’ musical voyage has brought him together with artists like Ramesh Shotham, Charlie Mariano, Dhafer Youssef, Rabih Abou-Khalil, Loreena McKennitt, Larry Corryell, Steve Coleman, George Brooks,Trilok Gurtu, Eivind Aarset, Nils Petter Molvaer and many others.

Zoltán Lantos plays a custom-built 5 string violin and a 5+16 sympathetic string violin, enhanced by using electronics and live sampling.




Solo-violin compositions and improvisations, even using my voice, live electronics and loopers, floating and drifting in a constantly evolving multidimensional sonic universe of my own, which reflects the spirituality and depth of Indian and other Eastern music, the vibrant dance of folk music, the complexity of contemporary jazz, the intellectuality of classical music, the ambiance and the pulse of electronic grooves… in a minimalistic, experimental and free spirited fashion, with deep respect to the masters who helped and influenced me.




Friday, 6pm–9pm;
Saturday 10am–1pm, 4pm–7pm;
Sunday 10am–1pm, 4pm–7pm, final performance;
Participants are required to attend all workshops of the course.
150€/workshop ; 450€/yearly participation (90€/workshop)

Deadline for an application:

8 days before each workshop

Deadline for payment :

September 24th for the yearly participation.
For one course: on the day of the course.
Yearly participation has to be paid in 3 amounts of 150€ (before the September, November and January courses)
If you wish to be a part of our courses, just send a mail on: mail.specialcourses@gmail.com and we will send you an invoice.

Kdaj: četrtek, 17. 9. 2015 ob 21.00

Kje: Prulček bar, Prijateljeva ulica 2, Ljubljana



Solo koncert mentorja 1. Špecialnih delavnic (Special Courses) v sezoni 2015/16.

Kompozicije za solo violino, improvizacija, tudi z uporabo svojega glasu, elektronike v živo in looperjev, plavanje in lebdenje v nenehno razvijajočem se lastnem večdimenzionalnem zvočnem vesolju, ki odseva duhovnost in globino indijske in druge vzhodne glasbe, živahen ples ljudske glasbe, kompleksnost sodobnega jazza, intelektualnost klasične glasbe, ambient in utrip elektronskih gruvov … na minimalističen, eksperimentalen in svobodomiseln način, z globokim spoštovanjem do mojstrov, ki so mi pomagali in vplivali name.