Tag Archive for: Špecialni godalkarski orkester

The Special Courses are the initiative of Godalkanje.org open source music education in Slovenia. It is a part of the One Music Society activities that are orientated towards sound ecology, equal rights for different music styles and run new economy experiments with music production. In Slovenian, ‘godala’ means ‘bowed string instruments’. Godalkanje courses take place since 2010 with the intention to present as much diversity as possible in order to give string players a lot of opportunities for further investigation. As the founder Bojan Cvetrežnik said, he only found how diverse European violin music is after having worked as a violinist-soloist in Cirque du Soleil, as a principal viola player in the Slovenian National Opera Orchestra, as a member of the BBC awarded progressive group Terrafolk and as the founder of Symbolic Orchestra. Each major violin folk movement (Celtic, Scandinavian, Balkan, Slavic, Romanian, Latin, Alp region…) has hundreds of different violin styles inside, even on very small territories. If we add this to hundreds of years of written music in classical music, traditional and contemporary jazz violin, rock and electronic music, it would be extremely difficult to find a better symbol for the European musical diversity than the violin is.

Of course viola, cello and bass are also commonly used, as well as other bowed instruments (nyckelharpa, kontra, early music instruments…). The courses are mostly run by playing ‘all together’ and with a strong intention to perform publicly as soon as possible, not excluding all the opportunities given by Ljubljana architecture. A smaller group of participants uses the repertoire of the courses for group playing or performing with their groups outside Special Courses. All fears about how the integration with the new worlds will turn out must immediately be eliminated. That was proved too many times to still doubt about it. All different, all equal. If there are doubts about the level of younger players please contact us and we can arrange a Skype meeting; or send us a video recording of playing at the recent level.


Godalkanje Special Courses 2014/15

Romanian Violin

Kdaj: nedelja, 22. 6. 2014 ob 17.00
Kje: DC Mala ulica, Prečna ulica 7, 1000 Ljubljana
Prijava: informativni interes lahko javite po e-pošti
Program: Mala ulica

Če bi radi spoznali hudomušnega junaka, ki sliši na ime Pajek Inke in je nekoč, ko je bil majhen, pekel palačinke, vas vabimo, da nedeljsko popoldansko urico preživite z nami v Družinskem centru Mala ulica.

Primerno za družine s čisto majhnimi in malo manj majhnimi otroki.

Kdaj: sobota, 21. 6. ob 18.00
Kje: Salon za ENO glasbo
Prijava: informativni interes lahko javite po e-pošti

S celovečernim koncertom bomo obeležili zaključek prve sezone delovanja orkestra. Osluh predvsem priporočljiv vsem, ki bi se nam naslednje leto radi pridružili.

Ker gre za interni društveni dogodek in ker so kapacitete omejene, vas prosimo, da  svoj obisk napoveste na salon@enoglasba.info in s sabo prinesete podpisano Pristopno izjavo v Društvo za ENO glasbo ali jo izpolnite ob prihodu. Lahko se pa priključite listi obveščanja o salonskih dogodkih.



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foto: Jure Matoz

Špecialni godalkarski orkester / Zaključni glasbeni kolokvij – YOUTUBE


Kdaj: nedelja, 15. 6. 2014 ob 17.00
Kje: Družinski center Mala ulica
Prijava: informativni interes lahko javite po e-pošti
Program: Mala ulica

Če bi radi spoznali hudomušnega junaka, ki sliši na ime Pajek Inke in je nekoč, ko je bil majhen, pekel palačinke, vas vabimo, da nedeljsko popoldansko urico preživite z nami v Družinskem centru Mala ulica.

Primerno za družine s čisto majhnimi in malo manj majhnimi otroki.

Kdaj: sobota, 14. 6. med 20.00 in 22.30
Kje: Staro mestno jedro Izola
Prijava: informativni interes lahko javite po e-pošti

Vas zanima, iz katere države prihaja ples polska, kako se pleše šotiš in kakšno kolo poznajo v Bolgariji?
Je Popcorn samo vrsta koruze, katere zrna ob segrevanju v vročem olju ali suhi toploti počijo in se napihnejo ali morda še kaj drugega?
Kaj imata skupnega Antonio Vivaldi in Nikola Tesla?  Vse to in še več vam bomo razkrili na večernem uličnem nastopu v Izoli.






foto: Center za kulturo, šport in prireditve Izola